IHE Radiation Oncology - ARTI Profile Testing

The Advanced RT Integration (ARTI) Profile is tested by importing CT image and Structure Set test data in a Producer Actor, creating a treatment plan (and dose) for a supported beam type, and exporting the plan (and dose) to an Archive for retrieval by a test partner (Consumer Actor). Side-by-side comparison of plan displays on the Producer and Consumer Actors is used to verify interoperable exchange of plan information.

General Instructions

  • Import and save CT images and RT structure set for both supine and prone patients. Import the multiple brain mets patient if you are testing stereotactic beams.
  • For each producer, create two plans, one with all supported options and one without options (if you support multiple options e.g.: beam limiting devices, bolus etc.)
  • Place isocenter as follows:
    • Supine patient: x = -3.2mm, y = 69.2mm, z = 239 mm (DICOM)
    • Prone patient: x = -2.7mm, y = 28.4mm, z = 254 mm (DICOM)
    • Brain mets patient: isocenter 1: x = 42.4mm, y = -194.3mm, z = -65.0mm; isocenter 2: x = -10.2mm, y = -256.8mm, z = -66.0mm (DICOM)
  • Specify a total dose of 54 Gy (27 x 2 Gy fractions) to ptv54, unless otherwise specified.
  • Label the plan appropriately: e.g., plan_static_mlc
  • If possible, store each plan and dose in its own DICOM Series and use the Series Description to identify the ARTI Actor, i.e. beam type, that produced it.
  • If possible, do not include setup beams in the plan.
  • Calculate dose and display 20, 50, and 90% isodoses (normalize to the maximum dose).
  • Label the dose to correspond to the plan, e.g., dose_conformal_arc.
  • Please use the prone patient for at least 20% of your plans (at least one, if more than one beam type is tested).
  • Although it is not a Profile requirement, consider making the testing more interesting by creating a plan using a foot-first treatment position. (The CT images are head-first scans.)

Test Datasets

Three patient datasets are available for testing ARTI Actors:

  • ARTI15A01xx - Supine (head/neck) patient
  • ARTI15A02xx - Prone (anal-canal) patient
  • ARTI15A03xx - Multiple brain mets patient (for stereotactic beams)

Note: xx is a vendor code for the Producer Actor.

Supine patient Prone patient Multiple-metastases patient


Note: the numbering below is different from the numbering used in the Supplement ftp://ftp.ihe.net/RadiationOncology/Supplements/ARTI/IHE-RO_ARTI_Supplement_V1-6_2014-02-25.docx

  1. Basic Static Beam: Generate a plan with two opposing lateral beams
  2. Basic Static MLC Beam: Generate a plan with two opposing lateral beams
  3. Motorized Wedge Beam: Generate a plan with AP and right lateral beams
  4. Hard Wedge Beam: Generate a plan with AP and right lateral beams
  5. Virtual Wedge Beam: Generate a plan with AP and right lateral beams
  6. Arc Beam: Generate a plan with two lateral arcs (0 -270, 0 – 90)
  7. Conformal Arc: Generate a plan with two lateral arcs (0 -270, 0 – 90)
  8. MLC Arc Beam: Generate a plan with two lateral arcs (0 -270, 0 – 90)
  9. Step & Shoot Beam: Generate 5 beams, use structure ptv18 as target
  10. Sliding window Beam: Generate 5 beams, use structure ptv18 as target
  11. Static Electron Beam: Generate a plan with a 10 x 10 applicator, 110 SSD, 9 MeV energy. Note: the isocenter is different than in other plans, dose normalization point in DICOM Coordinates at (X=0, Y=-9, Z=246) mm (DICOM)
  12. IMAT/VMAT Beam: Generate a VMAT/IMAT plan, use structure ptv18 as target
  13. Stereotactic Beam: Generate a stereotactic plan
  14. Stereotactic Arc Beam: Generate a stereotactic arc plan

Detailed Instructions for Supine Patient

  • :!: All field sizes below are in the IEC coordinate system
  • :!: Isocenter coordinates are in DICOM coordinate system
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
Plan Name Basic Static Basic Static MLC Motorized Wedge Hard Wedge Virtual Wedge Arc Conformal Arc MLC Arc Step & Shoot Sliding Window Static Electron IMAT/VMAT Stereotactic Stereo Arc
Field Number 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2
Gantry 90° 270° 90° 270° 270° 270° 270° 45° 135° 225° 315° 45° 135° 225° 315° 45° 315° 270° 90°
Stop - - - - - 270° 90° 270° 90° 270° 90° - - - 270° 90° - 270° 90°
Direction - - - - - CCW CW CCW CW CCW CW - - - CCW CW - CCW CW
Couch 15° 345°
Field size n/a 15 cm x 10 cm 15 cm x 10 cm Conform to ptv18 15 cm x 15 cm Conform to ptv181) Conform to ptv182) Conform to ptv18 4 cm x 4 cm 4 cm x 4 cm
X1 -4.0 cm -5.0 cm -4.0 cm
X2 6.0 cm 5.0 cm 6.0 cm
Y1 -10.0 cm -10.0 cm -4.0 cm
Y2 5.0 cm 5.0 cm 6.0 cm
MLC - Fit to ptv18 Fit to ptv18 - - - Conform to ptv18 Fit to ptv18 from start gantry angle Conform to ptv18 Conform to ptv18 - Conform to ptv18 - -
Wedge ID - - MW
Angle 45°
W30R30 W30IN30 EDW20OUT - - - - - - - - -
Applicator ID - - - - - - - - - - A10 - 20mm Cone 20mm Cone
Energy 6 MV 18 MV 6 MV 18 MV 6 MV 6 MV 6 MV 6 MV 6 MV 6 MV 6 MV 6 MV 9 MeV 6 MV 6 MV 6 MV
Dose Rate 600 MU/min 600 MU/min 400 MU/min 600 MU/min 600 MU/min 600 MU/min 600 MU/min 600 MU/min 600 MU/min 600 MU/min 600 MU/min variable 1000 MU/min 1000 MU/min
Dose( cGy) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
Isocenter X -0.32 cm -0.32 cm -0.32 cm -0.32 cm -0.32 cm -0.32 cm -0.32 cm -0.32 cm -0.32 cm -0.32 cm Set SSD to 110 cm -0.32 cm -0.32 cm -0.32 cm
Isocenter Y 6.92 cm 6.92 cm 6.92 cm 6.92 cm 6.92 cm 6.92 cm 6.92 cm 6.92 cm 6.92 cm 6.92 cm 6.92 cm 6.92 cm 6.92 cm
Isocenter Z 23.9 cm 23.9 cm 23.9 cm 23.9 cm 23.9 cm 23.9 cm 23.9 cm 23.9 cm 23.9 cm 23.9 cm 23.9 cm 23.9 cm 23.9 cm
Suggested Machine IHE_V120 IHE_V120 IHE_ELVHD IHE_120 IHE_V120 IHE_V120 IHE_V120 IHE_V120 IHE_V120 IHE_V120 IHE_V120 IHE_V120 IHE_V120 IHE_V120
Bolus Modifier O O O O O O O O O O O O O O
Block Modifier O O O O O O O O O
Hard Wedge Modifier O O O O
Compensator Modifier O O O O O O O
1) , 2)
Some beams may split to multiple carriage groups
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